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GPP Kalikasan Muna Endorsement Process for 2022 National and Local Elections

GPP Kalikasan Muna Endorsement Process for 2022 National and Local Elections


GPP Kalikasan Muna (Green Party of the Philippines) will accept a request for endorsement for local candidates (Provincial, Municipal, and City) who will be running as GREEN CANDIDATES carrying a GREEN AGENDA and PLATFORM. The process of selection and endorsement will be as follows:

  1. Fill out the green candidatean online selection form and upload necessary documents as required.
  2. The Selection Committee will review the document upon submission.
  3. A local party representative will evaluate the candidate and send a feedback to the Selection Committee.
  4. Upon submission of feedbkac the Seleciton Committee will issue a Letter of Acceptance to the candidate.with a Deed of Underataking template.
  5. The candidate needs to sign and notarize the Deed of Undertaking which constitutes the agreement between the party and the candidate.
  6. A copy of the Deed of Undertaking will be sent to the Selection Committee.
  7. Upon receipt of the Deed of Undertaking, the party will issue an Endorsement Letter and Certificate to the candidate.


Officially selected and endorsed green candidates of GPP Kaliaksan Muna (Green Party of the Philippines) will be given the following by the party:

  1. A feature page in the website declaring that the candidate is officially endorsed as a green candidate of the party. (See Sample 1 | See Sample 2)
  2. Will be allowed to be promoted via the social media channels of the party.
  3. Will be endorsed and assisted by local members of the party.

Selected and endorsed candidates are expected to:

  1. Support and campaign for the national candidate of the party.
  2. Coordinate with the local green party chapter regarding local issues and synchronization with other lcoal candidates and campaign.
  3. Promote and agree to the GREEN AGENDA of the party.


RATIONALE:  The Green Party of the Philippines or GPP Kalikasan Muna has decided to go beyond the usual environmental advocacy initiatives by participating in the scheduled electoral process in 2022. GPP Kalikasan Muna strongly believes that involvement in the actual crafting of important pro-environment legislation should be the next order for the Party.  Towards this end, the GPP Kalikasan Muna has formed a Selection Committee to process the formal and legal procedures of the selection of local candidates to be endorsed as official representative(s) or green candidates of the Party.

FORMATION OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE:  In an online meeting of the GPP Kalikasan Muna National Council last October 3, 2021, the Party decided to revive the Selection Committee formed last February 4, 2021, which was tasked to prepare concrete policies, measures, and procedures for the proper selection of the Party’s Nominees for submission to the Commission on Elections.

This time, the Selection Committee will be the sole body to process and recommend local candidates which will be endorsed by the party in the 2022 elections. The aim of forming a selection panel is to get together the most appropriate individuals who could bring certain skills and knowledge to the selection process which will help best determine the candidate/s as the official representative/s of the party. The Selection Committee shall be “ad hoc” in nature. After the selection process is accomplished and all necessary reportorial requirements are submitted to the President, the Selection Committee shall cease to exist.

MEMBERS OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE: In the same meeting last October 3, 2021, the following were appointed members of the Selection Committee, therefore: Anton Antonio, Jonjon Sarmiento, Jeph Ramos, Roland Carub, and Andrew Cesar Rimando. The five (5) members of the Selection Committee shall choose, from among themselves, who will be the Chairman for the Committee. During the same meeting, Anton Antonio was designated as Chairman.

PRIMARY PURPOSE OF CREATING A SELECTION COMMITTEE: The primary purpose of the creation of the Selection Committee is to facilitate a methodical, credible, and transparent selection process in the selection for endorsement by GPP Kalikasan Muna of Green Candidates.

SECONDARY PURPOSE OF CREATING A SELECTION COMMITTEE: Selecting Green Candidates for the local election should be considered a new and novel undertaking. The secondary purpose of the creation of the Selection Committee, therefore, is to chronicle the proceedings and use such document/s to craft Selection guidelines for related activities in the future.

QUALIFICATIONS OF SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: The Selection Committee is composed of: (1) Respectable members of the Organization; (2) Bona fide members of the Organization; (3) Individuals with established Environmental Advocacies; (4) Influencers in their respective fields of endeavor; and, (5) Individuals with high ethical standards and functional moral compasses.

EXPECTATIONS OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE: In the formation of the Selection Committee, it is important to consider that the individual strengths and capabilities of the members of the Committee are in tune with desired objectives of the Organization in general and the Selection Committee in particular. They should exercise open-mindedness in the process of selection without bias or favor to any particular Nominee or Nominator.  They should have the knowledge and/or information on the functions of the Commission on Elections. They also must have a clear understanding of their roles, duties, and responsibilities as members of the Selection Committee. The selection process starts with the crafting of this Inception Plan.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE: The basic duty and responsibility of the Selection Committee are to process and select to the best of their abilities local candidates who will best represent the green agenda of the party and hence be the party’s endorsed green candidates. The Members of the Selection Committee are duty-bound to make sure that the entire selection process is fair, transparent, and in the best interest of the Organization.

OBJECTIVES OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE:  The Selection Committee aims to:

  1. Come up with an Inception Plan as initial guideline in the conduct of the first ever local elections green candidate seleciton and endorsement process;
  2. Establish the procedure, criteria and requirement for the conduct of a fair and credible selection process;
  3. Receive/accept written nominations from bona fide members;
  4. Process the submitted nominations using established criteria;
  5. Select the local candidates which will be endorsed by the party.
  6. Present the green candidates to the General Membership;
  7. Chronicle the proceedings; and,
  8. Submit a written report which details the entire selection process.

PRE-SELECTION TASKS: The Selection Committee shall convene (online meeting acceptable) and agree on:

  1. The procedure on how to conduct the selection process;
  2. The minimum criteria for potential green candidates;
  3. The draft letter/communication announcing the start and end of the Selection and Nomination Period;
  4. The format of the Letter of Nomination and documentary attachments/annexes;
  5. A reasonable Timeline; and,
  6. Prepare an Inception Plan and communicate the same to all the Members.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: The Selection Committee shall adopt the following Selection Procedure:

  1. Prepare an Inception Plan and publish the same in the GPP Kalikasan Muna website for the information of all the members.
  2. Use all means to communicate to all members that the Selection Committee is ready to accept green candidate nominations. A period for submission of nominations shall be specified in this announcement.


  1. The green candidate selection process will be an ongoing task from October 18, 2021 until January 31, 2022.
  2. After each processing of a candidate for selection, the Selection Committee shall communicate to all the members acceptance of a particular candidate for endorsement as GPP green candidate.
  3. The Selection Committee shall commence processing and selection right after the deadline for submission of nominations expires.
  4. The Selection Committee reserves the right to invite those nominated for an online panel interview.
  5. The Selection Committee shall announce (in writing) the final result of the selection process.

CRITERIA AND DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENT: This portion should be read and understood by a Nominator as it outlines the criteria and details the necessary documentary requirement/attachment to the Nomination Letter.+

  1. Must be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the Philippines. (Submit Copy of Birth Certificate)
  2. Must submit PLATFORM OF GOVERNANCE (Maximum of 3 pages of Platform including Environmental Platform; Font-Times New Roman/ Font Size-12; Duly signed by Candidate)
  3. Must submit Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  4. Must submit a copy of their Certificate of Candidacy (CoC)